Prof. Dr. Mehmet Özmenoğlu
  • 1976; Lisans - Tıp Ege Üniversitesi
  • 1976; Tıp Dr. - Esenboğa Hava Limanı Hekimi
  • 1977-1978; Farmakoloji Asist. - Ankara üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi
  • 1978-1982; Nöroloji Asistan Hacettepe Üniv. - Cumhuriyet Üniv.
  • 1982; Doktora/S.Yeterlik/ Tıpta Uzmanlık - Tıp Ankara Üniv. - Hacettepe Üniv. - Cumhuriyet Üniv.
  • 1982-1984; Nöroloji Uzmanı - Denizli Asker Hastanesi
  • 1984-1986; Nöroloji Uzmanı - Edremit Devlet Hastanesi (mecburi hizmet)
  • 1986; Yardımcı Doçent - Tıp-Nöroloji - Karadeniz Teknik Üniversitesi
  • 1986-1991; Yardımcı Doçent - Karadeniz Teknik Üniversitesi
  • 1991; Doçent - Karadeniz Teknik Üniversitesi
  • 1991; Doçent - Nöroloji - Karadeniz Teknik Üniversitesi
  • 1995; Prof. - Karadeniz Teknik Üniversitesi
  • 1995; Prof. - Nöroloji - Karadeniz Teknik Üniversitesi

Uluslar arası hakemli dergilerde yayınlanan makaleler (SCI ve SCI-Expanded)

  1. Gazioglu S, Oguz S, V. AltunayogluCakmak, H. Ozturk, Z. Alioglu, H. Dinc, M. Ozmenoglu.Endovascular treatment of cerebral venous sinus thrombosis. NeurolSciNeurophysiol 2018; 35: 34-40 doi: 10.5152/NSN.2018.10157
  2. Zengin Karahan S, Boz C, Kilic S, Can Usta N, Ozmenoglu M, AltunayogluCakmak V, Gazioglu S.Lack of AssociationbetweenPulseSteroidTherapy and Bone Mineral Density in Patients with MultipleSclerosis. MultSclerInt. 2016;2016:5794910. doi: 10.1155/2016/5794910.
  3. 3. Gazioglu S, Boz C, Ozmenoglu M. Basilar artery occlusion in migraine-likeheadache: a possible triggering effect of sumatriptan. NeurolSci., 33(1):125-8, (2012).doi: 10.1007/s10072-011- 0651-z.
  4. S Z Karahan,C Boz,S Kilic,NC Usta,M Ozmenoglu,VA Cakmak,S Gazioğlu:Pulse steroid therapy and bone mineral density in patients with multiple sclerosis.Multiple Sclerosis International;2016:5794910.Doi:10.1155/2016/5794910.(2016).
  5. M Ozmenoglu, S Gazioglu,V Cakmak, H Horozoglu: Gabepentin-induced myoclonus:a case  report.Journal of Neurological Sciences,357;e282-283,2015.
  6. 6. S Mut,Ö Tosun,H Horozoğlu,M Özmenoğlu: A Rare case of isolated cerebellar nodulus infarction without vertigo.Turkiye Klinikleri J Neurol 9(1):51-4,2014.
  7. C Boz,M Özmenoğlu,S Velioğlu,K Kılınç,A Örem,Z Alioğlu,V Altunayoğlu:Matrix metalloproteinase-9 (MMP-9) and tissue inhibitor of matrix metalloproteinase (TIMP-1) in patients with relapsing-remitting multiple sclerosis treated with interferon beta.Clinical Neurology and neurosurgery,108(2),124-128.Doi 10.1061/J.clineuro.2005.01.005.(2006).
  8. C Boz,M Özmenoğlu,V Altunayoğlu,S Velioğlu,Z Alioğlu: Individual risk factors for carpal tunnel syndrome :an evaluation of body mass index,wrist index and hand anthrometric measurements.Clinical Neurolgy and Neurosurgery ,106(4),294-299.Doi:10.1061/j.clineuro.2004.01.002.(2004).
  9. M Ozmenoglu,S Velioglu,C Boz: Guillain-Barre Syndrome during treatment with interferon alfa for hepatitisB.Journal of Clinical Neuroscience,2004.
  10. C Boz , S Velioğlu , V Altunayoğlu , M Özmenoğlu , C Erem:  Central nervous system involvement in autoimmunepolyglandular syndrome.  Clinical Neurology and Neurosurgery, 105(2), 102-104. Doi: 10.1016/S0303-8467(02)00125-7.(2003).
  11. C Boz, V Altunayoğlu, S Velioğlu,M Özmenoğlu:  Sertraline versus amitriptyline in theprophylactictherapy of non-depressedchronictension-typeheadachepatients.  TheJournal of HeadacheandPain, 4(2), 72-78. Doi:10.1007/s10194-003-0034-9.
  12. C Boz,A Akbaş,Z Alioğlu,M Özmenoğlu:Tissue plasminogen activator mass concentration in ischemic acute stroke patients.Turk Journal Med Sci,33,155-159,2003.
  13. C Boz,S Velioglu,V Altunayoglu,Z Alioglu,M Ozmenoglu:Fatal brainstem infarction after apheresis donation.Journal of Neurological Sciences.19:3,2002.
  14. S K Velioğlu,M Özmenoğlu,C Boz,Z Alioğlu.Status Epilepticus After Stroke.Stroke,32:1169-1172,2001.
  15. SK Velioğlu,M Özmenoğlu,C Boz:Cerebral infarction following intravenous immunglobulin therapy for Guillain-Barre Syndrome.Journal of Stroke and Cerebrovascular  Diseases,Vol.10,No.6,pp 290-292,2001.
  16. C Boz,S Velioglu,I Bulbul,M Ozmenoglu:Baclofen is effective in intractable hiccups induced by brainstem lesions.Neurol Sci,22:409,2001.
  17. Z Alioğlu,I Bülbül,A Örem,M Özmenoğlu,B Vanizor,C Boz.Increased Plasma Endothelin-1 Levels in Patients With Intracerebral Hemorrhage.Journal of Stroke  and Cerebrovascular Disease,Vol 9,No.4,pp 176-180,2000.
  18. S.K. Velioğlu,K.Kuzeyli,M.Özmenoğlu: Cerebellar agenezis:a case report with clinical and MR imaging findings and review of litterature.European Journal of Neurology,5:503-506,1998.
  19. S Velioglu,M Ozmenoglu:EEG investigation of temporal lobe epilepsy.Clinical EEG and Neurosciences,1997.
  20. A İlhan,Z Alioğlu,M Adanir,M Özmenoğlu,A Örem:Association of levelsof lipoprotein (a) and  other  lipoproteins with cerebrovascular disease in the Turkish population.European Journal of Neurology,vol 3,1-4,1996.
  21. F Budak, O Bölükbaşı,A Demirci,M Özmenoğlu,B Komşuoğlu:Cerebral  Dural Sinus Thrombosis A case Report.Anjiology Vol 46,(6):541-545,1995.
  22. F Budak,A Ilhan,M Ozmenoglu,SS Komsuoglu:Locked-In Syndrome:A case Report.Clinical Electroencephalography,Vol 25,No 1,40-43,1994.
  23. SŞ Komsuoğlu,B Komsuoğlu,M Özmenoğlu,C Özcan,H Gürhan:Oral nifedipine in treatment of  hypertensive crieses in patients with hypertensive encephalopathy.International  Jounal of Cardiology,34;277-282,1992.

Uluslararası bilimsel toplantılarda sunulan ve bildiri kitabında (Proceedings) basılan bildiriler:

  1. Gazioglu S, Oguz S, V. AltunayogluCakmak, H. Ozturk, Z. Alioglu, H. Dinc, M. Ozmenoglu.Endovascular treatment of cerebral venous sinus thrombosis. 3rd Congress of the European Academy of Neurology. EP2021, s.248, Amsterdam, June 24-27, 2017.
  2. Ozmenoglu M, Gazioglu S, Cakmak V, Horozoglu H. Gabapentin-induced myoclonus: a casereport. 22nd World Congress of Neurology (WCN), P937, s.282-283, Santiago, Chile, Oct 31-Nov 05, 2015.
  3. Karahan SZ, Boz C, Kilic S, Usta NC, Ozmenoglu M, Cakmak VA, Gazioglu S. Lack of associationbetweenpulsesteroidtherapy and bone mineral density in patients with multiplesclerosis. 31st Congress of the EuropeanCommittee for Treatment and-Research in MultipleSclerosis (ECTRIMS), EP1482, s.773, Barcelona, Spain, Oct 07-10, 2015.
  4. Özmenoğlu M, Altunayoğlu VÇ , Can NU, Gazioğlu S (2015). Restlesslegssyndromepresenting as acute form in a patientwithGuillainBarreSyndrome. XXI World Congress on Parkinson'sDiseaseandRelatedDisorders, 22, 132-133. Doi: 10.1016/j.parkreldis.2015.10.317 (Poster).
  5. Karahan  S Z, Boz C, Can N U, Kılıç  S, Özmenoğlu M, Altunayoğlu V Ç, Gazioğlu S (2015). Lack of associationbetweenpulsesteroidtherapyand bone mineral density in patientswithmultiplesclerosis.  31st Congress of the European-Committee-for-Treatment-and-Research-in-Multiple-Sclerosis (ECTRIMS), 21(11), 773-773. (Poster)
  6. Ozmenoglu M, Gazioglu S, Cakmak VA, Horozoglu H, Mut S. Headache due to anticoagulant- related bilateral subdural hematoma: A casereport. 56th AnnualScientific Meeting American Headache Society. LBP34, s.24, Los Angeles, CA, June 26-29, 2014.
  7. Boz C, Altunayoglu V, Acar O, Gazioglu S,Ozmenoglu M. Human herpesvirus 6-7-8 and Chlamydiapneumoniaeinfection in multiplesclerosis. 21st Congress of the EuropeanCommittee for Treatment and Research in MultipleSclerosis 10th Annual Meeting of the AmericasCommittee for Treatment and Research in MultipleSclerosis, P 518, s.135, Thessaloniki, Greece, Sep 28–Oct 1, 2005.

(* Türkçe ulusal yayınlar eklenmemiştir , * Web of Sciences ta 950 nin üzerinde atıf sayısı)

Kitaplar: Tıp Öğrencileri için AĞRI- El Kitabı-1989;  Merritt Nöroloji El Kitabı ( Editör)-2003; Değişik Nöroloji Kitaplarında Türkçe bölümler; Değişik sosyal içerikli dergi ve gazete yazıları.

  1. Türk Nöroloji Derneği (TND),
  2. American Academy of Neurology (AAN),
  3. European Academy of Neurology (EAN),
  4. International Parkinson and Movement Disorder Society (MDS),
  5. Türk Epilepsi ile Savaş Derneği,
  6. Baş Ağrısı ve Ağrı Çalışmaları Dernaği,
  7. Türkiye Parkinson Hastalıkları Derneği ,
  8. Türk Beyin Damar Hastalıkları Derneği,
  9. Türkiye Klinik Nörofizyoloji EEG-EMG Derneği,
  10. Dünya Nöroloji Federasyonu (WFN)