Gambling Addiction

Behavioural addictions are among the areas that have come to the fore in recent years in psychiatry, but gambling addiction or pathological gambling is one of the most basic areas of these behavioural addictions. Gambling addiction, which has been defined in the American Psychiatric Association's Mental Diseases Diagnostic Manual (DSM) since 1980, is becoming a bigger problem, especially with the spread of online gambling sites and the ease of placing and accessing bets. It is known that the incidence of gambling addiction in society has doubled in the last 30 years, and this rate is expected to increase further in the near future. Intensive studies are being carried out to better recognize, evaluate and treat gambling addiction, which can cause many financial and moral problems for individuals and their relatives. In recent years, significant progress has been made in reducing and preventing gambling addiction with both psychopharmacological and motivational psychotherapeutic treatment methods.