Social Anxiety Disorder

It is a mental disorder characterized by blushing, sweating, trembling, fear of doing something to humiliate oneself, tension and anxiety in interpersonal relationships while performing any action in public. The person avoids such situations as much as possible, and when they have to, they experience intense anxiety. One of the points that distinguishes social anxiety disorder from other anxiety disorders is that the person puts too much emphasis on what others think of him/her. As seen in other anxiety disorders, anticipatory anxiety associated with experiencing a feeling of anxiety does not occur. Social anxiety disorder differs from personality disorder diagnoses due to the fact that it starts in a certain period and people are looking for a solution. Triggering events that may initiate social anxiety disorder may have occurred. It is seen in the general population at a rate of 1.1-2.3%. Cognitive behavioural therapies have been shown to be effective in treatment. Psychopharmacological interventions may also be helpful to reduce certain symptoms.